Structure of the Day
We work with children in their usual classes.
Sessions are 50 - 90 minutes for KS2.
We can work with up to five KS2 classes.
To work with fewer classes, we can visit for just an afternoon or morning session.
To work with more than six classes we can visit across multiple days.
We will send you a suggested timetable when you enquire, and we can work with you to create a timetable that works for your school day.
Workshop Content
Exploration of poetry techniques, popular poetry, and rhyming stories and rap.
Developing performance voice.
Use drama exercises and activities to imagine and explore themes, characters, context and topics in poetry.
Recount stories and explore characterisations - movement and emotions and intentions.
Experience group the collaboration to create and recreate narrative poetry.
Discuss and debate the decisions of the characters.
Learning Objectives
To think critically about poetry in general and narrative poetry.
To expand vocabulary and develop a stronger command of spoken English.
To develop creative ownership and the imagination.
To explore different ways of communicating, both verbally and physically.
To boost confidence, improve group work skills, and enjoy the creative collaborative results. in performance.
Stand Up Poetry
This engaging and energentic workshop is ideal for developing an appreciation for rhyme and reason, boosting speaking and listening and performance skills.
Rhymes are everywhere - songs, playground games, football chants, hymns, nursery rhymes, raps, TV adverts, radio jingles, tabloid headlines. You don't have to think to find them; all you need to do is listen.
This workshop can encourage students to become writers, readers and performers through the noisy practice of rhyme and rhythm, sound, pattern and echo.
Our learning experience is focused on word awareness, the poetry of everyday subjects and the value of memory and anticipation.
Students are encouraged to invent and explore as they are led through a series of games and activities to help them to generate ideas, and create a poem or a rap.
Activities includes: up-beat opportunities to explore: imagery, rhyme and rhythm, alliteration, assonanace and use contemporary music in performance.