Mis-Cellaneous Drama runs for 10 weeks within the school terms.
Every week, each class will enjoy exploring drama techniques and production skills towards the
End of Term Production.
Term 1
Week Date
1 20th September
2 27th September
3 4th October
4 11th October
5 18th October
Half Term Break - 25th October
6 1st November
7 8th November
8 15th November
9 22th November
10 29th November
Re-enrol for Term 2 by 15/11/22
Term 2
Taster 10th January 2022
Week Date
1 17th January
2 24th January
3 31st January
4 7th February
5 14th February
Half Term Break – 21st February
6 28th February
7 7th March
8 14th March
9 21st March
10 28th March
Re-enrol for Term 3 by 21/3/22
Term 3
Taster 18th April 2022
Week Date
1 25th April
2 2nd May
3 9th May
4 16th May
5 23rd May
Half Term Break – 30th May
6 6th June
7 13th June
8 20th June
9 27th June
10 4th July
Re-enrol for Term 1 by 14/7/22
Term Times
Session Times: Wednesdays at 4.15pm - 5.45 pm. Children can arrive from 4.10 pm.
Each term runs for 10 weeks ends with an End of Term Performance in week 10.
The End Performance will run from 5.45 until 6.15 pm.
Each child is given an opportunity to re-enrol for the following term, before places are offered to children on the Waiting List. Please take note of the re-enrolment date to avoid any disappointment.
TERM 1: Enrol for Term 1 14/7/22
TERM 2: Re-enrol for Term 2 21/12/22
TERM 3: Re-enrol for Term 1 14/3/22
This time round Mis-Cellaneous Drama we offer places to parents and schools who would like their child(ren) to benefit from the opportunity to benefit from fun, specialised theatre experience designed to boost confidence and communication skills. Book now...