Structure of the Day
We work with students in their classrooms or school hall.
Sessions are 50 - 90 minutes for KS2.
We can work with up to five KS2 classes.
To work with fewer classes, we can visit for just an afternoon or morning session.
To work with more than six classes we can visit across multiple days.
We will send you a suggested timetable when you enquire, and we can work with you to create a timetable that works for your school day.
Workshop Content
Exploration of elements of comedy and the art of telling jokes.
Use drama exercises and activities to imagine and explore the characters, conflict and context.
Recount stories and explore characterisations - movement and emotions and intentions.
Experience the story with the facilitator in-role as one of the characters and recreate parts of the story.
Discuss and debate the decisions of the characters.
Learning Objectives
To think critically about what is funny and "Only Joking", statement
To expand vocabulary and develop a stronger command of spoken English.
To develop creative ownership and the imagination by working alongside a drama specialist and education mentor.
To explore different ways of communicating, both verbally and physically.
Only Joking!
The melodramaic pantominme workshop is about bullying. Oh yes it is! It's a seriously funny, physical theatre workshop investigating the effects of kind and unkind behaviour.
Students learn the basics od circus clowning and explore the more serious side of clowning and the behaviours that upset others.
Activies examine the workings of the pantamine Cinderella and the stock characters; it revisits Goldilocks in a thought-provoking and entertaining situation dramas.
Students explore the importance of taking responsibility for their own actons and words, tresspassing and taking without owners consent - TWOC.