Week 3
Speech & Performance Summer Camp
Mon 21st - Fri 25th Aug
AGE: 12-17

Speech & Performance Summer Camp
"...guaranteed to help you find, develop and improve your speaking voice."
Our Speech & Performance Summer Camp provides stimulating opportunities to increase voice and vocal techniques, playing with pace, pause and pitch. It is guaranteed to boost confidence, vocal expression and performance, for the stage and everyday life.
The Speech & Performance Summer Camp is an empowering, fun-intensive, week-long experience combining: improvisation, situation drama, script-writing and costume, to boost performance skills, imagination and vocal dynamics.
Activities are inspired by individuals' ideas and through the skillful use of theatre games and vocal expression. No previous experience required, just passion and a sense of fun.
End Showcase & Achievement Certificate: Presented on the final day of camp
Time: 9.30 am - 3.30 pm
Place: Banners Gate Church Hall. 125 Westwood Rd. B73 6UH
Places are limited
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